Index Reference (IXR)

  • Automated processing of index data
  • Individual compilation possible

Index Data for More Transparency

In order to make financial instruments more transparent, it is important to not only have knowledge on the characteristics of a financial instrument but also detailed information on the underlying instrument which can be easily analyzed.

Underlying instruments are either individual financial instruments or indices. The indices themselves have a fixed struc-ture and are compiled on the basis of predetermined rules.
The information on the composition of an index (compo-nents) and the percentage of a security within the index (weighting) is provided by WM via the Index References IXR product.
This product captures STOXX, DAX, and other indices.
WM provides (status: 10/2017):

  • indices with their master data: approx. 41,800
  • indices with their components: approx. 11,870
  • indices with their components and weighting: approx. 750.

The index data displays:

  • the corresponding instruments for a given index (Example: DAX 30: Daimler AG BASF SE, etc.)
  • the corresponding indices for a given instrument (Example: Daimler AG: Lang + Schwarz Aktien, Deutschland Index, ESTX Select Dividend 30, etc.)
  • and, in addition, the diversified indices ((EU) 945/2014) in which the instrument in question is included. (Example: E.ON SE: DAX 30, STOXX Europe 600 Index, etc.)