All services for your financial support

Besides data feed and online products, WM Datenservice also provides a large number of services for the support of issuers as well as WM customers.
Provision of WM Data
The WM data can be provided in the following 2 formats: XML and VF1. Both formats are generated from EDDy (Enhanced Data Delivery). The VF1 text format is the classic data format in which WM has been providing securities data for many years. Every line begins with a 35 digit record identifier containing all information necessary for the identification of the notification.
Example for VF1:
GDE000CX0DNU3CX0DNU1900000368729 00″GD090 17022016″GD100A 1″GD172 EUR“GD198A SEC“GD198B 3000″GD198C 3101″GD198D W101″GD198E U201″GD198F K301″GD198G ZZZZ“GD200 00081″….
With the new EDDy database WM data can also be supplied in XML structure.
Example for XML:
finObj chgFlag=“i“ idName=“Instrument“ idVal=“2218689603525″ deliveryStatus=“no“ portfolioStatus=“np“>
<id scheme=“ISIN“>DE000A0WKKX2</id>
<id scheme=“WKN“>A0WKKX</id>
<section chgFlag=“i“ idName=“G“ idVal=“900000552281″>
<fld idName=“GD161″>
<datVl chgFlag=“i“>DE</datVl>
<fld idName=“GD209″>
<datVl chgFlag=“i“>7</datVl>
<fld idName=“GD212″>
<datVl chgFlag=“i“>993</datVl>
EDDy has also extended the technical spectrum of data delivery. In both formats it is possible to deliver issue related information. This means only those ISINs ordered will be provided. The ISINs can be ordered in a request file via the existing FTP account. Depending on the individual customer settings, the customer gets the initial load file returned within a few seconds. It is also possible to receive subject specific data, e.g. only in Germany listed shares will be delivered.
Now it is also possible to receive different products in one file. Master data of the GAT product, for example, can now be delivered with data of the IFK product as well as rating data in the same file. The WM documentation provides initial information on the new XML format.
We will gladly provide you with further information. Simply send us an email using our contact formular.
Corporate Action Event Reference (COAF)
Daily Files
Daily files of COAF
Full File
Full file of COAF since 22nd February 2016