Uniform Valuation Prices (EBK)

- Transparent and uniform price determination
- Collaboration with renowned partners
High Quality Database of Uniformly Determined Prices
Currently, prices are neither determined on a uniform basis nor based on standardised internal guidelines. Uniform and standar-dised reference prices are, however, a necessity if statutory and revaluation requirements arising from international accounting standards are to be met. For that reason WM Datenservice offers a uniform solution:
Uniform Valuation Prices (EBK)
Uniform Valuation Prices (EBK) support risk management, controlling and reporting as well as the reorganisation of labour intensive processes. Our aim is to provide uniform valuation prices for the individual securities within your custody accounts.
We determine uniform prices for approximately 2,5 million financial instruments daily, based on the official year end price guidelines, which are constantly reviewed and refined by the „Wertpapierkursermittung“ working committee.
This product is organised on a modular basis and contains the following components:
German stock exchange prices (approximately 2,3 mio.)
In the case of German and foreign securities listed in Germany, the high, low, opening and closing prices on all German stock exchanges (trading floors and XETRA) are supplied daily.
Foreign Stock Exchange Prices (approximately 1,400)
Should a financial instrument only be listed abroad, this price will be selected with the next highest priority. The lowest price will be applied for evaluation purposes here also.
We are currently also selecting the foreign markets in Italy, Switzerland and Singapore.
Investment Fund Bid Prices (approximately 88,000)
Only a small number of investment funds are listed on the Regulated Market of a stock exchange, for which reason the bid price, which is determined by the issuer, is usually the basis of the valuation price.
Calculated Bond Prices (approximately 28,000)
The following two essential problems characterise the bond market:
- very low volume
- many unlisted bonds
WM Datenservice determines a fair value for over 28,000 bonds daily, based on modern financial market economics via recognised methods (in cooperation with renowned partners). The procedure is continuously adjusted to current market conditions.
Due to this segmentation of price sources, the data feed can be easily customised to your requirements.
It is also possible to evaluate further asset classes such as e.g. Floating Rate Bonds. Please feel free to contact us about this.
Year End Prices (JEK)
In addition to the daily provision of the prices, it is also possible to order the year-end price band which contains all prices.
At the end of 2022, JEK have been provided for over 2.0 million instruments.
For an overview of the advantages of this product, please contact us; we would be happy to carry out a coverage analysis of your securities.